Summer energy saving tips
You can stay comfortable in your home and save money. Here are our top energy-saving tips for summer.
Lower the temperature of your thermostat 10 degrees for at least eight hours a day. An easy way is to lower the temperature while you’re sleeping or at work. You can save up to 10% on your energy bills, without sacrificing comfort.
Light emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) last ten times longer than ordinary bulbs and use significantly less energy. Don’t forget about LED holiday lights. They use 90% less energy than regular holiday lights and last for multiple seasons. Check out lighting safety tips below.
Use timers for your holiday lights. They allow you to set the holiday lights to come on when it gets dark and go off around bed time.
Adding additional insulation from three to 12 inches can cut your heating bill by up to 20%.
Failing to clean or replace a filter can make the furnace run harder, which reduces its efficiency and life span and increases service calls. Make sure you change or check your furnace filter monthly, especially during the winter months. Learn more
A few inexpensive tubes of caulk and rolls of weather stripping can help reduce heating bills by 20%. Start with your draftiest windows and work your way around the house to stop cold air from leaking into your house. Learn more
Before you leave on a trip, turn off and unplug everything you can, lower your thermostat to 55 degrees, and set your water heater to the lowest setting. Learn more
Decorating during the holidays is a tradition for many families. Unfortunately, many home electrical fires occur during the holidays because of extra lights and extension cords. Stay safe this holiday season with these tips:
You can stay comfortable in your home and save money. Here are our top energy-saving tips for summer.
Meet the Conroy family and find out how they learned how to live more energy efficiently with kids in the house.
Quick and inexpensive projects to help you cut your energy bills fast. $50 gets you started.
Give your appliances a rest while you're out of town - your utility bill will thank you for it!
You have a beautiful old house and want to make it energy efficient. Learn how from our guest historic preservationist.
Home office equipment can be big energy users. Here are a few simple tips to reduce energy usage in the home office.