Insulated concrete forms
An insulated concrete form (ICF) system eliminates the cold drafts typical of wood-frame construction.
An insulated concrete form (ICF) system eliminates the cold drafts typical of wood-frame construction.
A geodesic design uses interconnected triangles to create a strong, environmentally friendly structure.
Your roof and attic play the most crucial role in your home's energy efficiency system, reducing your energy costs during the winter and summer.
Our four-part series explores how to handle comfort issues in a new home.
This kitchen remodel features a new window, energy-efficient lighting, new appliances and side-wall insulation.
Check out a new neighborhood concept and see how one builder is changing the way homes are built with a goal to use zero energy.
Structural insulated panels, also called SIPs, foam-core panels or stress-skin panels, are significantly more airtight than stud walls.
Learn about some of the changes for new homes built today. An expert highlights some of the things to consider when building a new home.
A century-old barn gets the ultimate makeover - with lots of energy-smart technology.