In this video: Find out what to do if you detect radon in your home.

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Taking a few minutes to check power tools before and after using will keep them in good working order and will keep you safe.

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Man installing childproof outlet cap

Make sure your electrical appliances, tools and outlets are safe, and be careful around electrical equipment outdoors.

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Wiring and grounding in older homes

Wires running through the walls of an older home

The wiring inside most older houses wasn’t designed to handle the electrical needs we have today.

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Be prepared for bad weather


The best way to weather a storm is to have a safety plan in place ahead of time.

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Aging in place

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Using universal design principals, your home can adapt to your changing lifestyle needs.

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Staying safe around buried gas pipelines

gas line marker flag

If you have buried natural gas lines on your property, make sure you know how to locate and maintain them.

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Cleaning dryer vents

Dryer vent hole on outside of house

Drying clothes takes a lot of energy. Keeping your dryer vent clean makes your appliance more energy efficient.

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Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)

GFCI outlet

GFCI outlets should be used by all water sources to prevent electric shock. Find out why.

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Gas appliance safety

Gas appliance connector cord

Keep these safety guidelines in mind when using gas-consuming products such as stoves, clothes dryers, water heaters and furnaces.

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